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NO MORE MIGRAINES – no more headaches

If you suffer from migraines or repetitive headache, if you suffer from forgetting things, and that no chemicals and conventional medicine has been helping you, here are 2 miraculous essential oils that you may want to try…

Yes, according to Daily Mail:

“Migraines are bringing misery to millions of women, with one in three failing to get any relief from ‘unreliable’ painkilling medication… “ (Original article)

So, why not try the natural way ? Nature has been with us since ever we, as humans, have been running across this planet. Long, long before the “chemical age” the BIO-chemical way with medicinal plants was the most important means of healing. Why are we so inclined to forget this? Is the collective matrix so strong that we do not believe in the plants anymore? Let us look into 2 vegetal “brain champions” which have their word to say today for so many.


The popularity of Peppermint and its essential oil also in our times is largely due to its fresh, invigorating fragrance, its tonifying and relaxing effects on the mind, and its powerful multiple healing properties. As an anti-spasmodic and momentary painkiller applicable even undiluted or slightly mixed with a vegetable oil on the temples or shoulders and neck, it is unrivaled.

Stimulating and invigorating, Peppermint is a specially useful oil in case of mental or physical fatigue. Above all, it has a nearly guaranteed effect in case of headache or migraine.

“I’ve been a sinus migraine sufferer for about 11 years. Prescription meds made me feel totally out of it and my migraines can be daily when the weather changes. I read online that Peppermint and Lavender can help so I layered both of them everywhere my head hurt. I could NOT believe the results… My migraine was gone, literally gone in five minutes!” – Sarah Beth (Source)

“I love not having to take pain killers, especially while pregnant!  However, today, while driving, I started having spotty vision again.  I nearly panicked knowing that I still needed to drive home.  Since I had determined that these were most likely in the migraine family, and many things I had read told me to treat it as a migraine, I did the only thing I knew to do.  I reached for the peppermint.  I put it on my temples and the back of my neck.  I didn’t notice any improvement for about 10 minutes.  But then I looked up and noticed that I could see perfectly!  I was shocked since the vision problems NEVER go away that quickly.  So I was able to drive home and go to the grocery store!  I did feel a headache at a few different times so I simply reapplied the peppermint.  That was about 5 hours ago and I have been feeling great this evening!” – Crystal, Louisiana (Source)

And to end with a word on statistics:

“Almost two hundred thousand people suffer a migraine attack every day in the UK.

In another study nine out of 10 women said their migraines were eased by applying the 4head QuickStrip, which is a gel strip containing an active ingredient from the PEPPERMINT plant which is applied directly to the skin on the forehead or neck. Nearly two thirds got relief within five minutes of application, and one third said it started working within one minute. Dr Catherine Hood, who specialises in women’s health, said ‘Migraines are a huge problem for millions of people, particularly women. ‘This latest research gives a snapshot of the problems and discomforts faced by migraine sufferers as well as the techniques they use to help treat themselves.” (Original article)


The fresh, aromatic fragrance of the perennial small Rosemary bush is unique in nature. Rosemary is the “conifer” among the Lamiacea family uniting many of the properties of the needle leaf oils with those of the flowering plants and making it a multiple healer with many faces.

Above all, Rosemary is used in modern-day herbal medicine as a mild painkiller and for migraines, but also for digestive problems, liver problems, respiratory problems, depression.

Here are some more testimonials of people who got miraculous healing experiences from migraine and headache with Rosemary :

“I’ve been a migraine sufferer for the last few years. In that time, my doctor has prescribed migraine medication, blood pressure medication, magnesium – all things that need to be ingested and have horrible side effects……. I went to buy Rosemary oil and was able to try it out. I have to tell, I’ve never been so convinced of anything until I tried this product. I left it on my nightstand like the instructions told me. By morning, I had no pain in my head, no pressure, no sign of it at all! That morning, I was spreading the word to all my migraine-suffering friends! This product is so wonderful! I can’t believe I almost let someone cut my head open to get rid of my pain and this little jar solved all of that! Thank you for saving my life Rosemary!” – Heidi Mahnken (source)

“I bought some of the Rosemary essential oil for headaches. While I was hopeful, I was sceptical this could actually work. The first time I had a headache and used the oil I was SHOCKED when my headache vanished within 10 minutes of using the oil. I thought maybe it was a fluke but have experienced the same relief each time I use it. My sister also purchased some and she has also had the same results. I am so thankful I have found this product and have passed the word on to all my friends and family!” – Lena Atencio (source)

Julia Hoffmann-Graves in her experiences with Haiti earthquake victims points out the effect of Rosmary oil on her patients : “The Rosemary essential oil treats the typical dizziness from anaemia and low blood pressure due to malnutrition on the spot, as well as hypertension related headaches, as does Lavender.”

“I bought this product in hopes to get rid of my migraine. Literally within 15 minutes the pressure in my temples decreased and my headache slowly faded. I would recommend these oils for people who don’t care to take medication.” – J. Berry (source)

Improved Memory and Concentration

Rosemary and its essential oil is also a wonderful ally to help with memories and concentration.

“Researchers have found for the first time that essential oil from the herb (1,8 cineol-type from North Africa), when sniffed in advance, enables people to remember to do things. It could help patients take their medication on time, it is claimed, or even help the forgetful to post a birthday card. In a series of tests rosemary essential oil from the herb increased the chances of remembering to do things in the future, by 60-75 per cent compared with people who had not been exposed to the oil…” (Original article)

No wonder that Rosemary oil has also been successfully used in case of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in schools. “New Health Adviser” writes:

“When you use this oil to treat your child’s ADHD, it will improve their speed and precision in studying and learning. The oil also helps foster physical and emotional stability”  (Original article).

Research at Tokyo University demonstrated increase of beta-waves when people where smelling Rosemary oil. It seems as if the mere smell of Rosemary takes away inside pressure in the brain enabling it to free itself from sub-conscious vibrational charges which hinder the normal “super-fluid” flow of energy. The result is immediately better focus, concentration, also inner motivation, courage, vitality.

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