Spring Detox with Aromatherapy

Now, that spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere, and fall in the southern hemisphere, it is the ideal time for a detoxification. Practised for centuries by cultures around the world — including Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine systems — detoxification is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and…

Oils that heal, oils that kill

It is hard to believe, but eating French fries or any deep fried food at your home or in restaurants may be a hazard for your personal health and the ones around you. Is this just a provocative statement or is there more behind it? Well, Sunflower oil, Corn oil, Soy oil which are probably…

No More Migraines – No More Headaches

If you suffer from migraines or repetitive headache, if you suffer from forgetting things, and that no chemicals and conventional medicine has been helping you, here are 2 miraculous essential oils that you may want to try… Yes, according to Daily Mail: “Migraines are bringing misery to millions of women, with one in three failing…

Orto de Prouvènço: Oshadhi’s Aroma Sanctuary in the Heart of Nature

Let us take you on a tour through our magical place in Provence. Orto de Prouvènço means “Large Garden” in Provençal, the old language of Provence. It is our aromatherapy seminar center located in High Provence (France), one hour by car north-east of Avignon. On the outskirts of Aurel, a charming Provençal village, you will…

Did you know that cancer cells know to smell?

…and that essential oils can find their way to them? Scientists at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany) under the direction of Prof. Hanns Hatt have discovered a while ago that cancer cells dispose of their own receptors for fragrances . This was published in the Journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. This research showed that…

How essential oils can help us heal deep emotional stress ?

Aromatische Substanzen beeinflussen in beträchtlicher Weise unsere Emotionen und können tief auf unsere Psyche einwirken, indem sie den Geist entspannen und unsere spirituelle Ebene anheben. So greifen auch ätherische Öle mit ihrer konzentrierten aromatischen Wirkkraft merklich in unseren Geist und unsere Emotionen ein. Man geht davon aus, dass unser Geruchssinn zehntausend Mal präziser als alle…