Cardamom is a perennial plant and grows up to 2-3 metres in height. It has white flowers with reddish stripes in the centre. The fruit capsules (pods) grow near the ground and contain the seeds which are used as spice. They are gathered before they are ripe to prevent bursting during the drying process which would…
Tag: digestion
LEMON BALM – healing with angel wings
Balm or Lemon-Balm was introduced to the monastic gardens in Europe by Charlemagne in the early 9th century. The plant had been known for its sedative, anti-depressive as well as carminative effects long before. Due to its fresh lemony fragrance Balm was also called Cedronella. The botanical name Melissa (greek for “honey bee”) indicates the…
NEEM – the sacred tree of Ayurveda
The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is a tropical evergreen tree native to India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma. It belongs to the plant family of the Meliaceae related to the Mahagony tree. It is a fast growing tree that can reach a height of up to 35-40 metres. Its leaves have a very bitter taste, whereas…