Mandarin belongs to the citrus fruits like Orange, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Yuzu, Tangerine… with the difference that the Mandarin is more yellow in colour and contains pips, whereas the Tangerine is more orange in colour and has no pips. Both of them belong to the Rutaceae plant family and the botanical name of Mandarin and Tangerine is Citrus reticulata – reticulata meaning “net-like”, indicating the fine pattern of the peel. This may be seen as a symbol of the special healing powers of the essential oil.

Mandarin is a small evergreen tree reaching a height of about 6 metres. It prefers a hot and humid climate and comes with fragrant flowers and glossy leaves. The peel of the fruit is easily detachable and the fruit pulp very sweet and aromatic.

Mandarin is said to have its origin in ancient China where it was given as a traditional sign of respect to the emperors called Mandarins. Hence the name. It is for sure that the Mandarin fruit has been used within Chinese culture since thousands of years. People believed that it strengthens the metabolic system, especially the liver function which has been validated in the 18th-19th century. Nowadays Mandarin trees are cultivated extensively in the Mediterranean area – with Italy being the main producer of the essential oil which is reputed for its best quality. The Tangerine is found particularly in Florida, Texas, California and Guinea. Another member of the plant family is Yuzo – with its Latin name Citrus medica junos. It grows wild in Japan as an upright shrub or a little tree and has a shape round like a tennis ball, sometimes a little flattened and could be called Japanese Mandarin. The fruit pulp is sour-aromatic, slightly bitter and juicy with the fragrance being fresh and fruity. The essential oil is obtained by cold pressing of the peel. It is particularly used in the perfume industry. In Japan it is popular in the culinary area -utilized as a spice with salt and pepper. In Korea, the finely sliced fruits are soaked in honey, filled up with water and drunk as Yuzo tea.

Tangerine sunny garden with green leaves and ripe fruits. Mandarin orchard with ripening citrus fruits. Natural outdoor food background

Numerous benefits of the essential oil

Mandarin essential oil is extracted by cold pressing of the fresh peel of the fruit. The not fully ripe fruits yield the highest quality of Mandarin essential oil. The major compounds are: alpha pinene, beta pinene, camphene, citral, citronellal, gamma terpinolene, geranial, geraniol, limonene, linalnol, methyl mehtyl-anthranilate, myrcene, nerol, sabinene, alpha thujone and terpineol. The fragrance is fresh, sweet, very aromatic, fruity and lively. There will hardly be a person not being fascinated by the enchanting, sweet scent the essential oil spreads. It has a soothing, harmonizing and uplifting effect. Reputed to be beneficial to body, mind and soul, it is able to balance emotions, reduce mental stress and uplift consciousness as a whole. These properties have proven to be a good choice in gently calming children when upset or nervous, or filled with fear or sadness. It can help with diminishing depression and filling oneself with zest for life again. These features show a strong influence on our subtle energy body which occupies a key position within the human system. In case the emotional side of man stays out of harmony throughout a period of time our body will develop different kinds of physical symptoms to draw the attention to those areas necessary to be worked on. Furthermore, emotional stress so often blocks the access to the soul – the spiritual core of our being.

Apart from that, Mandarin oil has numerous medicinal properties. Due to its ability to harmonize feelings and balance our energies, it mobilizes the self-healing powers of the physical body. It simultaneously unfolds calming and revitalizing energies, a seeming contradiction, but only at first sight because a person really filled with vitality also feels quietude deep within.

The antiseptic capability of Mandarin oil prevents wounds from getting infected, protecting them from bacterial, fungal or viral problems. It develops a protective layer on the wound and helps to accumulate blood platelets and leucocytes at the afflicted area, preventing microbes from entering the wound. Furthermore, the essential oil possesses bactericidal and fungicidal abilities with the effect of killing those microorganisms. The cytopholactic properties of the Mandarin essential oil support the growth of new cells and tissues which explains why it causes wounds to heal faster.

A few drops of the oil can also relieve or cure spasms like breathing troubles, cough attacks, cramps caused by muscular spasm, spasm in the digestive system – sometimes connected with vomiting and aches in the stomach area and spasms in the nervous system accompanied by convulsions. Where do we find a remedy being so intensely beneficial without damaging side effects?

MH madarine fruit

Moreover, Mandarin oil enhances the blood and lymph circulation, especially effective beneath the skin, allowing it to look young and vital, also because of maintaining moisture balance in it. The increased circulation also produces warmth and eases rheumatism and arthritis. Thus, it additionally strengthens the immune powers. The oil also acts as blood purifier by promoting elimination of toxic substances via excretion. This procedure of the body under the influence of the oil prevents the deposition of toxins, thereby keeping away diseases like abscesses, acne, boils, gout, arthritis etc.

On the digestive level, a few drops of the essential oil after a meal are able to help digestive juices and bile to be discharged into the stomach and consequently making the process of digestion easier. Apart from that, it stimulates appetite and takes care of the acid and base balance in the stomach.

Mandarin oil blends well with citrus-derived oils like Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Neroli, Orange and Petitgrain. Also Basil, Black Pepper, Chamomile, Coriander, Lavender, Palmarosa and Rose blend well with it. Caution should be taken for applying the oil direct on the skin before exposure to the Sun – since Mandarin oil is photosensitizing.

In summary we can say that the essential oil of Mandarin is active within the functioning of all major body systems such as the respiratory system, the digestive system, the cardio-vascular system, the circulatory system, the excretory system, the nervous system, the endocrinal system and the immune system.

Some recipes

“Baby Blues” – Postnatal depression (Purchon)

• Bergamot: 60 drops
• True Lavender: 60 drops
• Frankincense: 40 drops
• Grapefruit or Mandarin: 40 drops

Pour a teaspoon of Grape seed oil and 10 drops of the mixture into a bowl. Mix and throw in the bath, stirring the water. After showering, moisten a damp glove with 2 or 3 drops of the mixture. Lightly rub the body.
For a full body massage, add 15 drops of the mixture to a tablespoon of Grape seed oil. The product can also be used for deep massages, kneading the flesh well.

Warts (D. Baudoux)

• Cinnamon: 1ml
• Savory: 1ml
• Mandarine: 1ml
• Lemon: 2ml

1 drop of the mixture on the wart morning and evening for 8 weeks if necessary

Insomnia (adults)

• Mandarin: 5 drops
• Roman chamomile: 2 drops
• Petitgrain bigarade: 3 drops
• Lemon verbena: 1 drop
• Basil tropical: 5 drops
• Tarragon: 2 drops
• Marjoram: 2 drops
• Nardostachys jatamansi: 2 drops

oranges hanging tree. mandarin oranges. Juicy oranges on the tree on blue sky background.

The restless child (Monika Werner)

For nervous children who need a little calming down. Creates peace and harmony.

• Sandalwood: 2 drops
• Clary sage: 1 drop
• Bergamot: 4 drops
• Tangerine: 2 drops

Mix with 50ml sweet almond oil and gently massage onto the solar plexus and apply to the feet – or use a nebulizer.


Bergamot, Clary sage, Frankincense, Geranium, Grapefruit, Immortelle, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Mandarin, Neroli, Orange, Roman chamomile, Rose, Sandalwood,
Ylang Ylang, Verbena

Allergic and nervous asthma (D. Baudoux)

• Tarragon: 2ml
• Lemon Verbena: 1ml
• Red Myrtle: 1ml
• Wintergreen: 1ml
• Mandarin: 2ml

6 drops of the mixture applied locally to the chest and upper back before the onset of the attack and during the asthma attack. Repeat every 30 minutes until complete improvement.

Anger in adults (D. Baudoux)

• Petitgrain bigarade: 3ml
• Peppermint: 2ml
• Mandarin: 1ml

3 drops of the mixture on the solar plexus and the inside of the wrists as needed.

Alopecia – hair loss (D. Baudoux)

• Mandarin: 2ml
• Rose Geranium: 2ml
• Ginger: 1ml

Incorporate 3 drops of the mixture into the shampoo just before use

Stretch marks prevention (D. Baudoux)

• Lavender: 1 drop
• Rose Geranium: 2 drops
• Mandarin: 3 drops
• Wheat germ carrier oil: 10 drops

6-8 drops of the mixture applied locally to the areas at risk – twice a day from the 4th month of pregnancy.

MH mandarine slice

“Children’s Dream” synergy OSHADHI

Mandarin green helps wound healing, stimulates circulation and is antibacterial.
Its citrus aroma reveals gentle, uplifting, and cheering properties. So gentle that it is called the “children’s remedy” in France.

Cajeput is an antiseptic and highly expectorant winter oil, good for easing the body. Its anti-neuralgic effects reduces spasms and gives relaxation.

Eucalyptus radiata has a toning energizing nature and can be of excellent help to treat headaches and neuralgic pains. It has a very broad therapeutic effect, especially for the respiratory system.

Lavandin sweet reduces stress related palpitations, depressive states, and nervousness. Ideal as a gentle relaxant before sleep to reduce insomnia. Good for massage. It can relax and calm anxieties.

Sweet Orange eases palpitation and works as a carminative in case of dyspepsia. With its relaxing influence it helps against headache, nervous tension and insomnia.
Ylang Ylang is a highly fragrant oil. It is highly appreciated because of its soothing, antiseptic and strengthening qualities. It has uplifting and relaxing effects on the psyche.

Lemon yellow is a blood-purifier and helps against high blood pressure. It is used to manage problems of the respiratory tract – like throat infections and bronchitis, catarrh, cold and flu and has a beautiful uplifting character. Lemon oil is also used for itchy skin problems and sinus infections.

The blend can be used in a diffuser in the sleeping room 5 Minutes before sleeping or as a pillow spray

Some Research studies

The antibacterial and antioxidant activities of essential oils from Bitter orange, Sweet orange, Lemon and Mandarin

“The antimicrobial capability of these oils was determined against ten strains of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including some phytopathogenic strains. The antibacterial activity of the oils was expressed as minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). All oils showed good antibacterial activity against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria… The antioxidant and antiradical scavenging properties of the selected oils were tested by means of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay. All examined oils exhibited a free radical scavenging activity, ranging 20–70% of DPPH inhibition. Lemon oil showed the most antioxidant capacity, with DPPH inhibition rate of 70%.”

“Mandarin essential oil (MEO) had potent antibacterial against S. aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). The cell membranes of S. aureus exhibited irreversible damage after the MEO treatment, and this disruptive effect was confirmed by increased cell membrane permeability, increased leakage of nucleic acids, proteins and ATP, and changes in bacterial morphology. The findings of this study confirm that MEO can penetrate the bacterial membrane and act on the cell membrane to kill S. aureus cells, thus establishing its potential as a representative natural antimicrobial agent for food preservation.”
Antibacterial Effects and Mechanism of Mandarin (Citrus reticulata L.) Essential Oil against Staphylococcus aureus, Xueying Song, Ting Liu, Lei Wang, Liu Liu, * Xiaoping Li, * and Xiaoxia Wu

MH manderine and blossoms

A Testimonial

The Lavender did, indeed, help with my getting better sleep. I’ve found it more effective by opening it with a jar of Mandarin. The one that has best helped me with sleep has been Neroli. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve had to go off all caffeine as it was just sticking too long in my system, making sleep difficult. In doing this and in using the above, whenever needed, my sleep is deep. However, when I need some energy, I have found that Ylang has been absolutely wonderful for this.
Ruth Dollar – Long Beach, CA

A few remarks on the energy aspect of Mandarin oil

We remember the botanical name of Mandarin being Citrus reticulata – reticulata meaning “net-like”. The structure of the peel is finely designed in net-like formations which can be seen as an indicator of the healing energy of the fruit and its oil. Mandarin shares this pattern with all of the Citrus fruits – however its structure is even more refined than in the other citruses – and, also interesting, the fruit is by far the softest of the whole group. It is also the softest in term of its aromatic use and its taste as juice. And, of course we know, a finely ruffled wrinkled peel increases the absorption of Sun light – another major element of the Citrus group. The motto is clearly: capture as many Sun rays as possible to make the juice and the essential oil as sweet as possible and charged with energy and light. Sometimes it is amazing to see how Nature organizes the “metabolism” of essential oils in plants. Most of the essential oils stem from leaves and flowers – often indirectly through photosynthesis. Here, in the Mandarin peel everything happens directly, there is seemingly no real photosynthesis process involved. It is the carotenes in the peel which take the role of chlorophyll. They are “the instruments for absorbing the sunlight. They become Vitamin A in human or animal physiology which is most present in the human eye, the organ of light,” explains Wilhelm Pelikan, famous anthroposophical plant researcher. And “the carotenes are linked to citral (aldehyde). With citral, we can say, light becomes perfume”.

The peel, the protective shield of the fruit, has its own way in this case. Nearly 9 months of Sunlight exposure, not too bad for a little fruit like this, I would say! “Make hay when the Sun shines” whisper the capillaries inside the peel’s network – and it works!:) The vitalizing energy of sunlight stored in a tasty fruit with a marvelous essential oil – highly effective and inspiring to our human experience altogether.

Therefore, not to forget: Essential oils can transmit healing influences through their own connectedness with the Cosmos and its vibrations of light. They can help us to get in contact with the subtle energy levels within ourselves and thus make us more aware of our own transcendental nature. We are all composed of light, as quantum physics has stated. Plants feed on light, we feed on plants. Without doubt: light is the basic building element of all life in the Universe. As James Oschman beautifully says in his book “Energy Medicine – The Scientific Basis”: “Denying the direct electromagnetic interactions among living molecules would be to deny the fundamental reaction upon which all life depends, namely the absorption of sunlight by green plants.” Or as explained by Hungarian Medicine Nobel laureate Szent-Gyorgyi 1937: “All of life depends on a small trickle of electrons from the sun.”

As we have seen, with their fresh, invigorating perfume Citrus oils uplift, soothe and harmonize body, mind and spirit in us – helping to bring everything back to order, focus and inner peace. This is, spiritually spoken, an act “from darkness to light”.
So: Glory to the Sunlight captures in Nature – and all the diverse plant artists in the endless processes of “energy hunting”:) and “energy spending” in the Universe.
Mandarin and the whole Citrus group deserve to be called “champions” in this Cosmic game!

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