Love the plants

What does it mean to really connect with the healing energy of Nature? Dr. Malte Hozzel explains in this interview what he sees is the key to understanding essential oils. He says, “Love the plants which are behind the oils. For me its most important that we have a connection with the levels behind as much…

PALO SANTO – dying to be reborn

Palo Santo is an aromatic wild-growing tree that belongs to the Burseraceae family, the same group to which belong Myrrh, Frankin-cense, Copal sanctum, etc. The name is derived from Spanish and means “holy wood”. It refers to an age-old healing practice structured in the knowledge and ceremonial tradition of South- and Mesoamerican shamans or healers…

Oshadhi SKINCARE secret for men

Carrot seed is one of nature’s purifiers, of great help where there is congestion or accumulation of toxins. Gentle purification The detoxifying effects of carrot seed oil are helpful in both therapy and skincare. Carrot seed makes a great addition to a massage blend for a full-body massage or detox wrap, or it can be…

The unknown benefits of GINGER hydrolate

Today we are pleased to present a rare gift of Nature whose amazing benefits are not yet well known. This is Ginger hydrolate! Ginger was among the first oriental spices to reach Europe. Native to Southeast Asia, ginger is considered in Ayurveda as a must cure because it increases Agni (digestive fire) and decreases Ama (toxins). In aromatherapy it…

6 MUST-HAVE aromatherapy oils

Aromatherapy oils are natural oils derived from the aromatic plant parts, especially their flowers, leaf, and bark. They are used to achieve relaxation, alleviate stress, and treat various physical as well as emotional disorders. Basically, they ignite your senses and enliven your body. However, research shows that they are beneficial for various disorders as well….

JASMINE – “queen of the night”

Jasmine, beautiful sweet relaxing Jasmine…! The very word Jasmine summons up a warm, exotic and mysterious feeling. And when you experience the aroma, whether it is drifting gently downwind on a warm Mediterranean evening or in the intensity of the fragrance direct from a bottle, it transports you in milliseconds of delight to a place…