The deep inter-connectedness of plants with the Cosmos and their omnipresent nourishing and caring attitude towards all living beings, makes it very easy to fall in love with their essence and develop an unending admiration for the unfathomable intelligence of Nature present in them. …and through them we are connected with the creative spirit behind…
Tag: aromatherapy
Thoughts on ARTHRITIS/ARTHROSIS – Aromatherapy and Herbal Medicine
Arthritis and Arthrosis are symptoms of pain and stiffness in the joints; ligaments and bones, both are affected in both cases. It is an inflammatory condition and as such can also influence skin and muscles as well as certain organs. Arthrosis is one of the most common kinds of Arthritis. In this case the cartilage,…
YARROW – A Thousand Leaves, A Thousand Cures
Yarrow, with its botanical name Achillea millefolium, is a perennial medicinal plant popular throughout Europe. The Latin name goes back to the Trojan hero Achilles who came to Troy in search of the king of the Mysians, Thelephos. He injured Telephpos on the thigh, and healed the wound with a medicinal plant, which was later…
FRANGIPANI – An Intoxicating Seducer
Frangipani (Plumeria alba) is a genus of flowering plants in the Apocynaceae family, containing seven or eight main species of shrubs and trees. They are native to Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and South America but have been spread by missionaries and early travellers throughout the world’s tropics, especially Hawaii. The name Plumeria can be…
GERMAN CHAMOMILE OIL – Caring and Motherly
Chamomile ‘matricaria’ contains the latin word ‘matrix’ in its botanical name – meaning ‘caring for the womb’. This finds its echo in folk medicine which has always emphasized Chamomile’s emmenagogue properties and its connection with the female system. The word ‘Chamomile’ is derived from Greek ????? (chamaí) ‘on the ground’ and ????? (m?lon) ‘apple’ hinting…
AROMATIC REFLECTIONS for Moments of Crisis – Part 2
We do not need to re-invent the wheel. We just have to deepen our knowledge of Nature and combine her age-old defense mechanisms with our modern scientific approach. Essential oils are Sun-Light messengers. With their poly-molecular bio-chemical outfit they have developed as allies of interaction inside Nature herself in a kind of challenge and response…
AROMATIC REFLECTIONS for Moments of Crisis – Part 1
Sometimes… When we look at our lives today, individually and collectively…When we have forgotten how much we are caught up in the matrix of habits, routines, conditionings, boredoms, stress… Then something may appear from “nowhere“, pulling us by the nose ? making us jump up in panic, cutting the normal flow of things in a…
CARDAMOM – Healthy Breathing, Healthy Feeding
Cardamom is a perennial plant and grows up to 2-3 metres in height. It has white flowers with reddish stripes in the centre. The fruit capsules (pods) grow near the ground and contain the seeds which are used as spice. They are gathered before they are ripe to prevent bursting during the drying process which would…
SLEEPING PROBLEMS and some Natural and Aromatic Approaches
Sleeplessness or insomnia is a major problem in our modern, stressful society. Millions and millions of people all over the world suffer from it. Our hectic life style in a modern society with constant demands for better and faster performances, the global media connectedness, disharmonious day and night rythms in general etc. have also left…
LEMON BALM – Healing with Angel Wings
Balm or Lemon-Balm was introduced to the monastic gardens in Europe by Charlemagne in the early 9th century. The plant had been known for its sedative, anti-depressive as well as carminative effects long before. Due to its fresh lemony fragrance Balm was also called Cedronella. The botanical name Melissa (greek for “honey bee”) indicates the…
AROMATHERAPY for Rehabilitation
What can aromatherapy add to rehabilitation centres? Padre Gabriel Mejia from the Christian order of the Claretians has created more than 50 rehabilitation centres all over Columbia. In these centres he introduced Transcendental Meditation and aromatherapy to thousands of kids and adolescents. “The street is my church” Father Gabriel “Now operational in 52 centres across…
Aroma Massage for Immunity, Energy and Joy
Aromatherapy has made a strong contribution over the last decades for a better understanding of the power of medicinal plants. At the same time it has given us access to a new form of “energy medicine” which means nothing less than helping us to understand the more subtle implications of health and disease. And this…
Aromatherapy and Modern Medicine – Challenges and Responses
Modern medicine seems to have reached its peak of being (or pretending to be) THE solution for the multiple ailments of man on Earth. The figures of serious medicine related problems are rising constantly and they are more and more frightening. It is high time to come back to the age old healing methods of…
Epilepsy – Thoughts and Remedies for an Ancient and Modern Plague
Epilepsy is a neuro-psychiatric disorder. It has a high statistic today among children and young adults. India has about 10 million people suffering from epilepsy. 95% of them are never treated for it because of not having access to valuable treatments. Also: “It is the most expensive chronic neurological brain disorder in Europe. According to…
Spring Allergies: Breathe free and enjoy the renewal of life
As we are heading towards Spring season the air is delicately fragrant with the first blossoms of almond trees. The humming of busy bees flying out of their hive, eager to spread their wings, of birds chirping their enchanting melodies, this is definitely one of the nicest moments of the year. Everywhere Nature is bursting…
Ravintsara: The Medicine Tree
Among all the aromatic treasures offered by Nature, there is a pearl with countless benefits: Ravintsara (Cinnamonum camphora). Known as the “beautiful leaf” in the Malagasy traditional medicine and praised as the “oil that heals”, it serves today to answer a wide demand in treating diverse psycho-physiological problems. Cinnamonum camphora belongs to the Lauraceae family…
Myrrh: An Ancient Sacred Healer
The legendary precious Myrrh oil (Commiphora myrrha), derived from sun-charged tropical resins, is used since Antiquity in sacred rites and for its rejuvenating effects on body and mind. Native from Eastern areas of Africa, the essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the resin from a thorny shrublike tree. It has a spicy-warm, earthy…
Kewra: Smelling into the Heart of a Spirit Opener
India can be considered lucky to possess a great treasure of aromatic plants – many of which have not been known outside the country until quite recently. Among these plants we find Kewra or Kewda. The botanical name Pandanus odoratissimus conveys that the essential oil of it must be extremely fragrant. The remarkable aromatic depth streaming…
Patchouli: The “Green Leaf” Oil with Power
One cannot be indifferent to the fragrance of this one-of-a-kind essential oil. Patchouli is an amazing oil that brings you to the depth of the earth, grounds you – and thereby leads you back to the body. The name “Patchouli” derives from Tamil language (South Indian), “patchai” meaning “green” and “ellai” denoting “leaf”. Yes, this…
Bergamot against winter depression: Sparkling with joy
Bergamot essential oil, as a Citrus oil, is a magician of the Sun. Its fragrant beauty is created by a rare and harmonious balance of diverse odor compounds resulting in an experience combining fruity-sweet notes with a lively freshness. It is a choice oil for adding happiness and enthusiasm to our life. Just breathing in…
Crisis for Evolution: Health, Mind and Essential Oils
The reason for disease lies in the host, not in the germ When somebody speaks about a disease, for example having “caught a cold” or having been contaminated with a virus or a bacteria, we often may ask ourselves: Who and where is the actual originator of this? Is it true that we are only…
Spring Detox with Aromatherapy
Now, that spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere, and fall in the southern hemisphere, it is the ideal time for a detoxification. Practised for centuries by cultures around the world — including Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine systems — detoxification is about resting, cleaning and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and…
Helichrysum: Golden Magician of the Sun
The subtle floral notes of this precious and rare oil have nothing comparable in aromatherapy. Let us look at a few of its properties : Helichysum excels as a blood purifier It is without doubt the strongest anti-congestive agent so far found in nature and works wonders, particularly in cases of blood congestions (hematomes, thrombosis…)…
Synergies: The Power of the Many
Synergy means combined energies in togetherness. It is natural for the relative field of life to be expressed in diversity, but this diversity becomes compact in a greater directedness when it is intelligently and harmoniously put together to create new units of wholeness. Thus, a bouquet of flowers finds its charm in a collectedness of…
No More Migraines – No More Headaches
If you suffer from migraines or repetitive headache, if you suffer from forgetting things, and that no chemicals and conventional medicine has been helping you, here are 2 miraculous essential oils that you may want to try… Yes, according to Daily Mail: “Migraines are bringing misery to millions of women, with one in three failing…
Did you know that cancer cells know to smell?
…and that essential oils can find their way to them? Scientists at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany) under the direction of Prof. Hanns Hatt have discovered a while ago that cancer cells dispose of their own receptors for fragrances . This was published in the Journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. This research showed that…
The Miracle of Fragrant Light
Essential oils are the result of biochemical transformations induced by Sun Light. As carriers of this light energy they are the most miraculous gifts of Nature. They restore balance on all levels of the human system, increase energy, change our moods, protect us against negativity…..and heal the most vicious diseases often not attainable by modern…
Jatamansi: Balance for Life
Native from the “Seat of the gods”, the Himalayas, Spikenard, since thousands of years, is one of the most sacred essences known both for its spiritual and medicinal properties. With its Latin name Nardostachys jatamansi, the plant is native to the humid Himalaya regions and grows in the wild of Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim in…
How essential oils can help us heal deep emotional stress ?
Aromatische Substanzen beeinflussen in beträchtlicher Weise unsere Emotionen und können tief auf unsere Psyche einwirken, indem sie den Geist entspannen und unsere spirituelle Ebene anheben. So greifen auch ätherische Öle mit ihrer konzentrierten aromatischen Wirkkraft merklich in unseren Geist und unsere Emotionen ein. Man geht davon aus, dass unser Geruchssinn zehntausend Mal präziser als alle…
Basil: The Plant King
Basil derives its name from the Greek word “Basileus” which means “king” emphasizing its fabulous rank among other plants in the ancient Mediterranean civilizations. It is really one of the royal essential oils to strengthen mind and heart and to reinforce resistance against infectious disease. This plant, member of the mint family and originally native…
Love the Plants
What does it mean to really connect with the healing energy of Nature? Dr. Malte Hozzel explains in this interview what he sees is the key to understanding essential oils. He says, “Love the plants which are behind the oils. For me its most important that we have a connection with the levels behind as much…
Palo Santo – dying to be reborn
Palo Santo is an aromatic wild-growing tree that belongs to the Burseraceae family, the same group to which belong Myrrh, Frankin-cense, Copal sanctum, etc. The name is derived from Spanish and means “holy wood”. It refers to an age-old healing practice structured in the knowledge and ceremonial tradition of South- and Mesoamerican shamans or healers…
The unknown benefits of Ginger hydrolate
Today we are pleased to present a rare gift of Nature whose amazing benefits are not yet well known. This is Ginger hydrolate! Ginger was among the first oriental spices to reach Europe. Native to Southeast Asia, ginger is considered in Ayurveda as a must cure because it increases Agni (digestive fire) and decreases Ama (toxins). In aromatherapy it…
Jasmine – “Queen of the night”
Jasmine, beautiful sweet relaxing Jasmine…! The very word Jasmine summons up a warm, exotic and mysterious feeling. And when you experience the aroma, whether it is drifting gently downwind on a warm Mediterranean evening or in the intensity of the fragrance direct from a bottle, it transports you in milliseconds of delight to a place…