Cajeput – Air in Action – Moving the inner Winds

Cajeput oil (Melaleuca leucadendron) stems from the distillation of the fresh leaves of a beautiful strong tree with a bark resembling the bark of the Birch tree. It grows wild or cultivated in South East Asia, but also in India and Northern Australia. The oil is produced all year long with help of rural mobile…

Lemon Balm – Healing with Angel Wings

Balm or Lemon-Balm was introduced to the monastic gardens in Europe by Charlemagne in the early 9th century. The plant had been known for its sedative, anti-depressive as well as carminative effects long before. Due to its fresh lemony fragrance Balm was also called Cedronella. The botanical name Melissa (greek for “honey bee”) indicates the…

No More Migraines – No More Headaches

If you suffer from migraines or repetitive headache, if you suffer from forgetting things, and that no chemicals and conventional medicine has been helping you, here are 2 miraculous essential oils that you may want to try… Yes, according to Daily Mail: “Migraines are bringing misery to millions of women, with one in three failing…