The Artemisia Oils – Aromatic Challengers and Benefactors, Part 1

The genus “Artemisia” belongs to the Asteraceae family – the “star blossomers” (lat. “aster” = star), so called because of the star-like structure of their blossoms. It was also called before the “composite” or “daisy” plant family. “Composite” because of their special way to compose their flowers in a circular group together, giving the impression…

Black Cumin – One of the Most Successful Natural Remedies of the Past Decade

Black Cumin or with its Latin name Nigella Sativa belongs to the crowfoot plant family (Ranunculaceae). In Arabic the plant is named Habbah-al baraka which means ‘seed of blessing’, often also called “the miracle herb from heaven”. This high reputation explains why Black Cumin has an almost four thousand years old history in the Orient….

Herbal Medicine and Diabetes

Modern life style is marked by high challenges of stress, bad food habits, sedentary life style, and many other collective factors which have made Diabetes one of the major health problems of our time. Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by  high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Insufficient production of insulin in the…