Synergies: The Power of the Many

Synergy means combined energies in togetherness. It is natural for the relative field of life to be expressed in diversity, but this diversity becomes compact in a greater directedness when it is intelligently and harmoniously put together to create new units of wholeness. Thus, a bouquet of flowers finds its charm in a collectedness of…

No More Migraines – No More Headaches

If you suffer from migraines or repetitive headache, if you suffer from forgetting things, and that no chemicals and conventional medicine has been helping you, here are 2 miraculous essential oils that you may want to try… Yes, according to Daily Mail: “Migraines are bringing misery to millions of women, with one in three failing…

Orto de Prouvènço: Oshadhi’s Aroma Sanctuary in the Heart of Nature

Let us take you on a tour through our magical place in Provence. Orto de Prouvènço means “Large Garden” in Provençal, the old language of Provence. It is our aromatherapy seminar center located in High Provence (France), one hour by car north-east of Avignon. On the outskirts of Aurel, a charming Provençal village, you will…

Did you know that cancer cells know to smell?

…and that essential oils can find their way to them? Scientists at the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany) under the direction of Prof. Hanns Hatt have discovered a while ago that cancer cells dispose of their own receptors for fragrances . This was published in the Journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. This research showed that…

The Miracle of Fragrant Light

Essential oils are the result of biochemical transformations induced by Sun Light. As carriers of this light energy they are the most miraculous gifts of Nature. They restore balance on all levels of the human system, increase energy, change our moods, protect us against negativity…..and heal the most vicious diseases often not attainable by modern…

Jatamansi: Balance for Life

Native from the “Seat of the gods”, the Himalayas, Spikenard, since thousands of years, is one of the most sacred essences known both for its spiritual and medicinal properties. With its Latin name Nardostachys jatamansi, the plant is native to the humid Himalaya regions and grows in the wild of Nepal, Bhutan, and Sikkim in…

How essential oils can help us heal deep emotional stress ?

Aromatische Substanzen beeinflussen in beträchtlicher Weise unsere Emotionen und können tief auf unsere Psyche einwirken, indem sie den Geist entspannen und unsere spirituelle Ebene anheben. So greifen auch ätherische Öle mit ihrer konzentrierten aromatischen Wirkkraft merklich in unseren Geist und unsere Emotionen ein. Man geht davon aus, dass unser Geruchssinn zehntausend Mal präziser als alle…

Basil: The Plant King

Basil derives its name from the Greek word “Basileus” which means “king” emphasizing its fabulous rank among other plants in the ancient Mediterranean civilizations. It is really one of the royal essential oils to strengthen mind and heart and to reinforce resistance against infectious disease. This plant, member of the mint family and originally native…

Love the Plants

What does it mean to really connect with the healing energy of Nature? Dr. Malte Hozzel explains in this interview what he sees is the key to understanding essential oils. He says, “Love the plants which are behind the oils. For me its most important that we have a connection with the levels behind as much…

Palo Santo – dying to be reborn

Palo Santo is an aromatic wild-growing tree that belongs to the Burseraceae family, the same group to which belong Myrrh, Frankin-cense, Copal sanctum, etc. The name is derived from Spanish and means “holy wood”. It refers to an age-old healing practice structured in the knowledge and ceremonial tradition of South- and Mesoamerican shamans or healers…