We do not need to re-invent the wheel. We just have to deepen our knowledge of Nature and combine her age-old defense mechanisms with our modern scientific approach. Essential oils are Sun-Light messengers. With their poly-molecular bio-chemical outfit they have developed as allies of interaction inside Nature herself in a kind of challenge and response…
Tag: nature
Aromatic Reflections for Moments of Crisis – Part 1
Sometimes… When we look at our lives today, individually and collectively…When we have forgotten how much we are caught up in the matrix of habits, routines, conditionings, boredoms, stress… Then something may appear from “nowhere“, pulling us by the nose ? making us jump up in panic, cutting the normal flow of things in a…
Aromatherapy for Rehabilitation
What can aromatherapy add to rehabilitation centres? Padre Gabriel Mejia from the Christian order of the Claretians has created more than 50 rehabilitation centres all over Columbia. In these centres he introduced Transcendental Meditation and aromatherapy to thousands of kids and adolescents. “The street is my church” Father Gabriel “Now operational in 52 centres across…
Man and Plants – An Ancient Alliance
Yes, Man and Plants….. It is such an old story. It goes back hundreds of thousands of years. It is actually a love story of man with Nature and its subtle energies. And it is a story of the collective heart of us humans and its relation with the Universal Spirit. Plants remind us that…
Aromatherapy and Modern Medicine – Challenges and Responses
Modern medicine seems to have reached its peak of being (or pretending to be) THE solution for the multiple ailments of man on Earth. The figures of serious medicine related problems are rising constantly and they are more and more frightening. It is high time to come back to the age old healing methods of…
Nature’s Defence Agencies – Thoughts on Anti-Microbial Effects of Essential Oils
The newly discovered corona-virus epidemics in China – even though largely exaggerated in its challenge by the usual media coverage – has drawn the attention of numerous persons from the “community” of natural medicine and Aromatherapy. The point is that – again and again – we are facing threats of individual and collective health and,…
Spring Allergies: Breathe free and enjoy the renewal of life
As we are heading towards Spring season the air is delicately fragrant with the first blossoms of almond trees. The humming of busy bees flying out of their hive, eager to spread their wings, of birds chirping their enchanting melodies, this is definitely one of the nicest moments of the year. Everywhere Nature is bursting…
Ravintsara: The Medicine Tree
Among all the aromatic treasures offered by Nature, there is a pearl with countless benefits: Ravintsara (Cinnamonum camphora). Known as the “beautiful leaf” in the Malagasy traditional medicine and praised as the “oil that heals”, it serves today to answer a wide demand in treating diverse psycho-physiological problems. Cinnamonum camphora belongs to the Lauraceae family…
Myrrh: An Ancient Sacred Healer
The legendary precious Myrrh oil (Commiphora myrrha), derived from sun-charged tropical resins, is used since Antiquity in sacred rites and for its rejuvenating effects on body and mind. Native from Eastern areas of Africa, the essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the resin from a thorny shrublike tree. It has a spicy-warm, earthy…
Kewra: Smelling into the Heart of a Spirit Opener
India can be considered lucky to possess a great treasure of aromatic plants – many of which have not been known outside the country until quite recently. Among these plants we find Kewra or Kewda. The botanical name Pandanus odoratissimus conveys that the essential oil of it must be extremely fragrant. The remarkable aromatic depth streaming…