Aglaia odorata – floral seduction, floral bliss

A specie of the mahogany family, Aglaia odorata is an evergreen tropical bush or small multi-branched tree growing up to 3 metres high.  It is native to China and also called Chinese Rice Flower, Chinese Perfume Plant, Chinese Perfume Bonsai Tree, Peppery Orchid, or Mock Lemon. Its Chinese name is Mizilan – and for the…

Nagarmotha ? go to the roots

Nagarmotha or Cypriol (Cyperus rotundus) is one of the world’s most invasive plants ? and one of the most incredible essential oils, hardly known to so many people, even in the world of modern Aromatherapy. Mother Nature is always amazing in her ways how she spreads medicinal plants through eons of time over the Earth…

Lemongrass – a Power Grass and much more…

One of the most anti-microbial oils so far known is distilled from Lemongrass oil. This oil is derived from a highly fragrant tropical grass belonging to the Poaceae family, the same family as our barley or wheat. The essential oil in Lemongrass is gained by steam-distillation resulting in a watery liquid of dark yellow colour…

Benzoin – a Gentle Touch of Sweet Embalming Nature

Benzoin was already described in medieval times by the famous Persian physician Ibn Senna (Avicenna) as “Javan frankincense”. The resin then found its way to Europe by the crusaders and already in the 12th century became an appreciated trade article under the term “gum Benjamin”. It was even subject to tax in the Europe of…

Rock Rose – Cistus

a miracle healer from the Mediterranean ROCK ROSE with its Latin name Cistus ladaniferus consists of about 20 subspecies. The name Cistus comes from the Portuguese language where “cesto” means “capsule” or “basket” referring to the capsule-shaped fruits which form after the floral season. Cistus or Rock Rose is not related to the Rose family….

Heal Yourself With Nature

Aromatherapy, with its essential oils, is becoming increasingly popular; not only in the realm of personal well-being but also in scientific communities worldwide. There is this marvelous depth in essential oils, linking them on the one hand to ancient folk-medicine and profound understanding of the subtle aspects of life and healing, whilst on the other…

Cedar – an Oil to Rise in Vitality and Strength

Like the Rose is regarded as the queen within the flower kingdom the Cedar can be called the king among the conifers. With its roots well fastened into the earth and its crown high stretching to the sky, the tree represents the majestic power of Mother Nature. Cedars can grow up to 50 m high,…

Bay Laurel – the Oil for Courage and Strength

Just to take a drop of Bay Laurel oil on your fingertip and smell it is quite an experience. You are right away taken into a spicy fresh energy which – within seconds – enlivens your spirit from deep inside, as if a whiff of fragrant air breathes through you and imbibes the whole system…

Davana – gift of the Goddess

Davana oil is another gift from the Artemisia genus. What a wonderful fragrance it radiates ! Its essential oil is known in the world of Aromatherapy for its very special herbal-sweet perfume notes. Botanically known as Artemisia pallens, Davana is a member of the family, of Asteraceae. The herb is indigenous to the southern parts…

Ylang Ylang – a Flower from Heaven

The “flower of flowers” as it is called sometimes has its firm place today in modern aromatherapy and perfumery. According to some sources the name “Ylang-Ylang ” is derived from Tagalog, the main language of the Philippines. It stems either from “ilang” meaning “wilderness” hinting at the natural habitat of the tree or from “ilang-ilan”…